Sunday, February 17, 2008

America should be losing weight

Last blog post I concentrated on why I thought America was so obsessed with being a size zero. Yes, being a size zero is not something that Americans should fascinate over. However, Americans shouldn’t be a size 28 either. Mabey Americans should focus on losing weight, but the healthy way. How can we as Americans lose weight in a positive way?
We could excersise for one. We could learn to take the steps and not the elavator.We could park further from the wal-mart and stop waiting three hours for the person down the lane to unpack their groceries into their minivans. Exercise is very essential in health. According to CBS News research “(WebMD) In January 2005, the U.S. government released a new set of dietary guidelines essentially telling us that as Americans get bigger, so does the length of time we need to be physically active. While it's a little more involved than that, the guidelines from the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services indicate that at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity is required to reduce the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood.”
Many of americans are not even getting that amount of excersise. As CNN health puts it Seven out of 10 American adults don't exercise regularly despite the proven health benefits. They defined regular physical activity as light-to-moderate exercise at least five times a week for at least a half-hour, or vigorous activity at least three times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Experts say lack of physical activity contributes to some 300,000 deaths each year in the United States caused by heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other conditions.
Eat right! Just say no to the double pounder and pick up a salad instead. Step away from the table. Many of us eat and are not hungry at all. We eat for pleasure and not for survival. Americans now spend more on fast food than on education, computers, computer software, or new cars. “Most children over 6, teen girls, active women, and many inactive men may need about 2,200calories per day. Teen boys and active men may need about 2,800 calories per day, according to the health statistics.
Although America should not dream to look like the model on the front page of magazagines, they should however dream to be healthy and fit. Losing weight isn't a bad thing but perhaps the motive is what we should question.

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