Sunday, April 6, 2008

reasons for homosexualtiy

There are multiple reasons for homophobia, or reasons to not support homosexuality. Homosexuality is a lifestyle for some, for some its all they know. But I believe the bigger and most outlooked about questions is Why are homosexuals...homosexuals?

The first reason that comes to mind when I think of a person having a same sex partner is: Why not the opposite sex? However it is very normal for a person to have a bad experience with a person of the opposite sex. After that life changing experience your perception changes and so does your future choices. For example a friend I know was raped as a small child by a person from the opposite sex. The situation was traumatic and undisguised. From then on she looked at men very differently. She saw men as perverts and predators, she felt inferior and worthless when in their presence. Her relationships with even close male friends changed. She felt violated and because of the situation she was never able to forgive the man. Therefore she was never able to forgive any man. To her they were all the same. Her ideals had been skewed. This unfortunate accident happened early in her life, however it is still effecting her today. That friend is now homosexual! The true reason I guess would never be known , however this is a fortified reason. Some homosexuals are homosexuals because they shy away from the opposite because of previous experiences.

The next plausible reason for homosexuality would be that they are just born that way...maybe its genetic. Scientist say that homosexuality is a natural thing that has happened in nature throughout history. Homosexuality occurs in other species. Although there is no acknowledgeable physical or psychological reason for homosexuality, maybe some are just meant to be. Its not an unnatural thing to find a homosexual child, or a child that has homosexual tendencies. Think about it most gay adults were once gay children. Many people believe that being gay is strictly a choice. However its hard to believe that homosexuals can just wake up and decide to be gay. Being gay is not a light thing, especially in today's society. There is so much controversy over the homosexual lifestyle that you have to had thought long and hard to even consider being put in front of the "firing squad" per say. Meaning being gay would have to be something that you have been dealing with for a while, because with it comes many consequences. Many pose the question: Why would someone choose to be gay? Why would someone want to live on the outskirts of society? I say, they wouldn't. Who would? No one wants to be put into a category of promiscuity and persecution. No one but someone that has no choice.

Homosexuality is a very controversial topic in America. Homosexuality might be the most misunderstood lifestyle in America. Its interesting to me how a country that calls themselves the "land of the free" can be so binding. Why is it that homosexuals are bonded by stereotypes and biases. We have all learned religious acceptance, we have all made a huge deal over civil rights and the equality of races. America has even put God first, the God that they claim made all man equal. Is homosexuality that obscene? NO, we just haven't quite understood what the Bill of Rights.

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